
I have been wondering for the last few weeks when to start and launch my new Blog site: Tessa Emanuel.com and today seemed like the perfect day, my christmas gift to myself and perhaps to you.

As today I sit in Sri Lanka, my first christmas here, my 2nd christmas away from my family (the first was in Bali with my new boyfriend, who 7.5 years later became my husband) and my first ever christmas alone.

This is the beginning of my new journey, my story and story of a women who heard a voice, a call, a call she could no longer silence (not with food, cigarettes, shopping, running, planning, starving or studying), the voice of her soul.

It spoke loud and it spoke clear and it said GO!
So I did, i gave up everything…everything I had: My address, my image, my homes, my hair, my husband and most my material possessions…all my “security blankets”…

I’ve risked it all, based on a voice, a pull, a feeling…with everything to loose and nothing to gain to except the chance that I may know once again what to feels like to be fully alive and live the life I was meant to live not the perfect one I had so carefully planned and mapped out!

I have moved to the jungle, I have moved to the ocean, I have moved to Sri Lanka.

I have moved here to write a book.

I heard a voice about 7 years ago whilst having a post workout shower that said write a book, I just didn’t know what it would be about, and now I do…the next 7 years became the book and I’m here to put that story to paper.

Whilst I write and share on this blog I will try and tell you about my new journey without stealing from the book.

The living picture here in Sri Lanka looks a lot different to the one I have been living for the last 20 years.

Going from a million dollar, all white glass apartment on the waterfront in the Dubai marina, to a 15 dollar room that is the same size as my old apartments patio, with no hot water, fridge or stove, I share a communal outdoor fridge, kettle and a one plate cooking “thingy” that I have to walk across the yard to reach.

I have with me 2 suitcases and small amount of money which I spend on food and daily needs sparingly.

There is no uber, I now ride in tuk tuks, no mall, i now shop at fruit and veg vendors in the street and I wash my clothes in the shower in my one bowl, the same bowl I use for dishes and salad.I live in flip flops not my beloved Choo’s or Manolo’s and my hands and feet haven’t seen a mani-pedi in over 40 days.

I buy and eat exactly what I require for the day and make sure to use what I have, using my one plate, one bowl, one knife and one folk and one spoon.

I spend my days writing, walking through the jungle and to the buddha on the hill and at the beach.

I do yoga and run and hike through the jungle.

I have done the one thing I thought I could never do…I let it all go…

I left!

Im Free.

I’ve become wild.

It wasn’t easy in fact it was the hardest most terrifying thing I have ever done, it was something I saw as literally impossible…I questioned myself daily, hourly and I analysed my dreams and motives for 6 months and at times its still hard, but I did it… I took a chance.…and now here I am…a women,with no address and no stuff, living in the jungle near the ocean…writing a book.

Finally stepping into herself for the first time, in a new country with a new appearance and finally her real voice, finally living her truth.

This will be my shared story, to perhaps help and inspire you, to you let you know you are not alone and that with enough courage anything is possible.
If you just let go of the beliefs and thoughts about life you have to live to follow the road less travelled and allow yourself to live the life you were born to live, no matter how scary.

This is my story of living more, with less.

I hope it may inspire you, allow you to feel heard and to know dear women that you are not alone in your desire to be wild a women of the jungle or whatever it is you desire to be.

Here’s to the surprises and uncertainties that lie ahead.

Heres to getting out of our heads and into our bodies, heres to following feeling…

Hears to couraging.

Heres to the journey.
